PyroChemist : Chaos & Order

Simple brain dumps when I get around to it, or get a bothersome thought on my mind to write about.

Monday, February 11, 2002

The thing that is most uncomforting about these dreams is that in my concous life, i can now imagine the things i've seen in my dreams, I can imagine them in reality. The images are so pristine, the emotions are so potent, that reality has improbable, if not impossible things being placed in my mind. I was sitting at the hamilton airport and I could imagine thtat worm squirting its way across the waiting room. Binding itself to the carpet stands ands leaving perfect spheres of itself while its makes its way across the room. Its terribly unnerving, yet, no stranger realizes how I image these things in my mind as they dance across a stranger's reality.
Am I going insane? Or just expressing a typical mind's confusion?

My dream started out with the sensation of waking up from a dream. I felt wide awake, refreshed and aware; the first signs that this was not reality. Still not aware of my dream state, I sat up from the couch I was sleeping on, fully clothed ready for work or whatever that the day would hold. I looked to the left and down to the base of the sliding glass door to the end of the room where my feet were while I was sleeping.
Now, do you remember the G-L-O Worms toys & cartoon from the 80's? Picture a vibrant and multi-coloured flourescent glow worm sitting at the base of the sliding glass door. The door, still covered in the winter plastic to keep the heat in and cold out, had no perferations in it. This conical & ribbed thing was just sitting there, the larger end towards the door, cascading in ribs to the tip of the worm, two centimeters in diameter.
This worm was just sitting there, almost waiting for me to see it. Now, I've clued in that this is a dream, I was aware and becoming observant, like a child. I could tell at this distance it was gelatenous, almost ameobic in form. It had a small jiggle to it, the colours flow in shades seamlessly from one rib to the next.
Without any obvious cue; the midsection of the worm shot out a stream of itself. Flowing in a parabolic arch towards its target. Is this how it moves? As more of the projectile reached its destination I could see the inside,a gel, flowing alone the inner portion of the stream. It was squeezing itself thru the tube it had created, timed perfectly to be pulling away just as the last bit of inner liquids are flowing into the new destination. All that is left behind is a small bead, perfect sphere, of the jelly like substence, shining in the full spectrum of flourescent colours that the worm has.
The worm makes its way beyond the couch, a right turn down the hallway, another right to go to the front door and it stops right beside this nightlight (which does not exist in real life).
** side note, this entire dream has subtle details, like a poster signed by Kevin Smith, and a sewing kit opened up and sprawled out contents on top of the movie stand... i'm just keeping it less detailed so it isn't long winded... as if it isn't already **
The night light is emitting a diffuse light but strong, right in the immidiate area on the floor around the electrical socket.
The worm lands there, stopped and still, and it starts growing, as the parts it left behind had made it reduce in size. I can see it pulsing in its growth, almost timed with the 60Hertz pulse of the AC power. I turn off the light with a switch right by my hand and the worm stops growing. Light back on, it grows again. I turn the light on and off to confirm my observations. With the light on, the worm stops growing, pauses, then shoots itself on its merry way upstairs.
I just stood there, watching this thing find a logical path to twhatever its destination was. Then looked down at these perfect spheres of these Hanzle & Grettle like beads. Kneeling down, I picked one up, index finger and thumb, and played with it. It was a little gelatenous, like the balls that Orbitz drink had. It was about a centimeter in diameter; i squished it a little with a hint of opping I stopped before i pressed to hard.
I could tell it had a liquid centre, its membrane was nearly transparent and maliable. Withouth hesitation i just tossed it over my shoulder no are for any reprocussions, and when it impacted the wall behind me, it blew up, a large explosion, that should have knocked me off my feet.
I was intrigued, I wasn't harmed, so i picked up two balls, slowly put them up against each other and when they touched, they sucked each other into a new perfect sphere twice their original size. I stepped outside and tossed it into the distance, across the street, and it exploded with twice the fury.
Thinking to myself, where did the worm go, i scambled inside, upstairs, to walk in on a big sphere sitting in the middle of the hall. It had stopped its travels and now had become a ball itself.... Then an explosion and everything went white. I woke up.

So, my semi-strict schedule has been not adhered to AT ALL. I told you I wrote the dream, it is coming in the next post.
I must say, Boards of Canada is an amazing band; the only pereson I have ever met who knew them before I introduced them was PK. Tan-Beer (inside joke). She then introduced me to 'The Avalanches', they're also quite the cool band, many samples of little sounds you hear throughout the day. Quite stimulating to the mind.