PyroChemist : Chaos & Order

Simple brain dumps when I get around to it, or get a bothersome thought on my mind to write about.

Saturday, December 01, 2001

I was talking to my sister one of these days this past week. Work has made the days blur by. She was kind of down, hasn't talked to people recently and feeln' lonely. Prime time to remind her how much I miss her, and I reminded her of the times we spent sitting outside the house on Senator Reesors, sipping Koolaid and burping away. That was the Burping Koolaid Summer. Even to this day, I'm still addicted to that shit, Koolaid is my weak knee drink. When we were living in the house on John Lyons in Markham, there was this one summer of boredom, where she watched Princess Bride over, and over, and over, again, and again, and again. Being the little brother, and young enough for her to over power me at the time, I got suckered into watching that movie a lot. Now, I can quote that movie with the best of them, and every time I see the movie, or quote the movie, it reminds me of her. Damn I love that girl, she's so freakn' cool and I wish, want, the best for her. If I can, I try to get that best for her.

I'm getting quite a few blogs out right now. I've been busy at work so much that only this weekend have I had time to get a solid eight hours sleep, and even sit down at my computer. Work is shipping me out to Edmonton, and I most recently found out (after seeing my name on the sheet beside more than one place) that I'm going to Regina too. For the international readers, Edmonton and Regina are in the middle of Canada. Christmas shopping is unlikely for me to happen, mind you, I didn't have intentions on getting much this year. I just want to spend some time with family. Hopefully in Montreal with my sister, or in Florida with Pops and Bro. So, blogs will be on low side of quantity, but I should have some things to write about when I get back home, or get to a place where I can post a blog.

I'm not sure if you know who Dean Kamen is, but he's an inventor. He's made a few things in this world, but the latest one has had hype and rumour beyond all of that which I have known of. Partly because very little credible information has been given by Dean Kamen, and partly because the people who have actually seen it, keep on hyping it more and more, and can't give out any information at all. Monday Dec. 3rd, we find out what this whole Ginger or IT thing is. Amazon has it on their site already, but no information is there, only rumours.

"If I knew how to sit down and schedule an invention, my projects would come in ahead of schedule and under budget,...and I'd be sitting on a cloud throwing lightning bolts at people. I don't know how invention works," he says. "In most cases, it's sort of the...process...of looking at the same thing everybody else looks at and finally seeing something else." - Dean L. Kamen

Thursday, November 29, 2001

Late as it is, now 10:15. I left, yes I did. Proof of the "lighting cigarette to make the bus show up" theory. I left, walked to the bus stop, stepped into the shelter avoiding this cold, wet rain, *uhg*, and just as I lean up against the window, a simpsons ring tone comes echoing into the glass room. "Sorry, I slept in. Where are you?" -- "Bus stop, Finch and Trudy." -- "Oh, go back home, I'll pick you up. So sorry, I slept through everything, why didn't you call me on my -- it's off. arrrg."..... So, just as I'm ready to go, the ride is ready to show. No appologies were needed, I've been there before, I know what it feels like. At least I get a ride to work now. :D And buddies seats have heating in the cussions, a nice warm seat. :D Ahhh the day has turned around. The simple things in life are good.

No ride yet, jeebus, this is getting annoying. Its cold outside, its wet outside (raining that dreary, crap, blaaah rain), and I'll have to haul ass into work, late, through this cold, wet, dreary day, only to work another 14 hour shift. FAWK ME. I need a vacation, but most of you already know that. [updated] 9:56AM Eastern -- someone just honked their horn outside, and yep, not my ride. I'm biting the bullet and taking the hour long ride into work. Have a good day and thank you for choosing whatever service provider you're complaining to.

I think it was on FWMM's site that i had read where she questioned why people like us simply write what we do on websites like this. Blogs, web diaries, and the rest. It works like this. You know how sometimes, you want to get something off your chest, and it is just a matter of time before someone asks you that inevitable question.... "Hey, how are you?" ....well, sites like these allow us to simply get whatever we want off our chest without being prompted for it. No questioning of what our opinion on the situation is. It is pure, unadulterated You, Me, Us. Every time someone asks you a question during the conversation of "How are you?" it diverts you from the feelings you originally had. Those questions make you think about the situation and never, if ever do you/I/we get the time to complete our thoughts and emotions into a conversation without the altering of the ideas behind it. Questions aren't a bad thing, its a simple thing of life, most of the time, questions are a good thing. Cathartic if you will, is what these sites are, they allow us to just simply Brain Dump. Like now, no questions on my opinion of this, no redirection of my thoughts, no "but what if" or any other statements that divert me from my intentions. Control freak, maybe, insane, I think that is a safe implication.

I'm waiting for my ride, and figured I would pull the "Light a cigarette, then the bus shows" trick, and start something involved so I can get interrupted and finally leave. However, things don't turn out the way they should, and I'm still waiting. So, the deal with that previous blog. Stupid people, simply annoyed with them. The common sense required to figure out most problems is not terribly hard. Its a matter of locating the source of the problem, identify what control the problem has over all the variables, if the variables effected don't fit with the source of the problem, you're looking in the wrong spot, or for the wrong thing. Yes, first, find the source. Next step is to identify what variables in the equations are changing because of the problem, what things aren't right, what are right but should be wrong. Yes, git, idiot, simpleton, a person who grabbed their MCSE and 6 months previously didn't have the knowledge of what a power cord was, how it was shaped, or even how to turn on a computer. Now, because they are certified, they have control over your million dollar production system that is mission critical, and you rely on someone who simply knows a Microsoft centric ideology on what the world is supposed to be. Good god i just want to smack them upside their heads. No offence to mothers, it was simply a trend, but these MCSE MOMMIES must be purged from the computer world, and well, the world all together. It's great that people try to get their feet wet into a new environment, and that they get these jobs that allow them to learn, but PLEAAAASE have the honesty, and humility to simply admit you don't know fuck all and let someone fix the problem in 5 minutes than waste away 10 hours on a problem. Yes, this is me rambling.

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Comprehension is beyond the outside world. Things move too fast and make it such a blur. The understanding will never be there, it will never arrive at a doorstep or just come into existence. Thing is, I knew this, I've always known this, but why, why do I hope that there will be any comprehension, any resolution on it? Never, never will there be any. ever.