PyroChemist : Chaos & Order

Simple brain dumps when I get around to it, or get a bothersome thought on my mind to write about.

Friday, December 14, 2001

I've been away so long, I don't know where home is any more. Toronto to Edmonton, Edmonton to Calgary to Winnipeg, Winnipeg to Calgary, Calgary to Ottawa, Ottawa to who knows?
I'm going to try to get Christmas plans nailed down so I can see family, but being the corporate whore I am, those plans may get put to the way side so that this 'project' can be completed. At least this stage of the 'project'.
I'm so exhausted right now, going to head to the hotel. I worked a 26 hour day (timezones permitting) and a 16 hour after that on 2 hours sleep. 4 hours sleep to get me here to Calgary, and I'm dead now...
The intent of this message was to say Hi, and pass on this latest addiction that Epitaph just sent me. This Crazy worm game. What do you get when you combine Gravity, Momentum, a Sine Wave, a pinch of boredom, and the sense to do something with all of that.
Play, addict, I've only hit 1923 right now in playing the past 20 minutes while chattn' it up with Eppy. The bastard hit a nice 2169... good goin' Epitaph...
Hello from Calgary. (and a belated hello from Winnipeg, i didn't evenhave enough time to sleep, let alone blog).

Sunday, December 09, 2001

Hello from Edmonton! ... that is all ...