PyroChemist : Chaos & Order

Simple brain dumps when I get around to it, or get a bothersome thought on my mind to write about.

Saturday, January 05, 2002

Heh, my roommate Kevin chose the movie to watch tonight. Yeah, spending some time with friends tonight, finally get some time to rest. Anyway, the movie is Memphis Belle, wicked movie. SNAFU! Situation Normal - ALL FUCKED UP. :D hehehe

A few of my posts were lost, because, frankly, I forgot to post them. They were rambling ones anyway, just complaining about a coworker not pulling their weight, and literally sticking their ass out for kicking and not even realizing it. I may churn them out again, just because my posts have been on the low side lately. 5 days; ouch.

Monday, December 31, 2001

Happy new year! I hope my computer is Y2K2 compliant! OMG It's going to explode! RUN! EVERYONE RUN! IT'S PANDEMONIUM! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

I really tried to get on a regular sleep schedule. Coughing, itching, dreams, they keep me awake at night now, and this is why I'm writing. Got a slight cough, enough to catch me off guard when I just get relaxed and make me need to cough. The itching, stupid eczema. Try rubbing chilli pepper all over sweaty hands. The itch will last for a really, really long time. Just really sucks having it, no other way to put it, it just sucks.
The dream, man, another weird one.*cough* (see, I told you it catches me off guard). It was one of those dreams where the entire thing stutters. Parts replay over and over. and then scenes of the dream, replay in a stutter, over and over, to the point where I'm sick of this damn movie playing in my head. Started off with general oddities, faces, objects, just... floating around, like a B horror movie trying to be artistic and shit. Then, it was me looking at these two kids fighting from across a play ground.. brown dirt play field at my feet, in-between us, some asphalt, and them pushing and shoving each other right beside a big white wall of a school. I wasn't caring about the fight, just watching, completely outside of the situation. ..wash...rinse..repeat..repeat..repeat. then, BOOM, the one on the right pulls a gun, shoots the other, and everyone disappears like leaves blown by a strong wind. repeat, repeat,repeat. Someone change the channel.
that's all I care to remember right now. I know there is more, but I'm forgetting for a reason.

So, I've gotten lame on these posts. I apologize for the lack of quality and quantity. Now, to spark off a slew of posts, if you are reading this, I would like you to send any question you have for me and I'll reply to it here. So, its wide open discussion time for the masses (if there are masses) of people. That should get my ass back in gear to getting more content up here. After all, it's all about the content.