PyroChemist : Chaos & Order

Simple brain dumps when I get around to it, or get a bothersome thought on my mind to write about.

Friday, November 16, 2001

Well peeps, I'm probably not going to get around to much writing this weekend. I'm headed off to the beautiful (and crazy) city of Montreal to cut loose and have a great time. Rob, Craig, Paola, will all be partaking in this grand adventure, and I'm sure that I'll come back with some fun stories. So Friday I call the night in, so I can sleep early (hah, sleep), and leave Saturday Morning for the adventure.
Until then. ciao.

Alright, a little preface before you read this current blog. Some people find it disturbing, and consider this warning. A strong stomach, or a desensitized view on the world may be required. Regardless, it is a dream that I had, that disturbed me, and so far everyone that has read it, has been a little turned off.
I was standing around in a crowd. Everyone around me was a group of eight to twelve 20-something's oriental students. I was unable to discern what specific nationality each person was, I knew each was not the same, but that they were all of eastern descent. Only one I knew was Japanese specifically, he was the one who was talking to me. He was trying to explain to me what this other girl was saying, both standing on opposite sides of the crowd, and she was kind of lunging forward with each little statement she makes. She's trying to explain to the crowd of differing languages that she puked all over his chest. Only he understands, just because he was there when it happened [obviously]. He keeps on pointing at me, in a futile attempt to get the crowd to understand, somehow, by gesturing that "He knows what we're talking about." After a while of convincing, the crowd dispersed, and I stood there alone. A friend came walking around the corner from behind me, and I tagged along with him. The scene went to a 1920's mosaic, everything was in brown highlights, and we walked across a cobblestone street to a barber shop, complete with that little rotating red & white diagonal striped tube with a white ball on top. It reminded me of a scene from a movie, so stereotypical. We walked into the shop, sat down and got our hair cut in that slick, 1920's short cut hair, clean, and I needed a shave. As the barber got setup doing something in preparation for the shave, somewhere in the back of the shop, I stood up out of the chair, tossing the cotton towel to the side, leaning up to the mirror and examining the stubble. Head turns left, head turns right. My right hand goes up to my face and rubs my chin and cheeks, so typical. I look closer at a hair that is sticking out my cheek, play with it a little as the skin tightens up around the hair. I pick up the straight razor, and open it up at the hinge with a familiarity that I don't have in real life. I took the first pass at the hair, and its clean sweep knocked off the end, and the hair bled. I looked at the blood a few seconds, thought it was odd that the hair was bleeding, thought it was odd, that the blood didn't have a copper-iron tinge to it, though it was odd, that the remainder of the hair, squiggled and pulled itself back into the skin like a wounded animal ducking for safety. I put the razor down, put my fingers of both hands up to the skin and pushed either side together in an attempt to push it back out, like popping a zit. Part of the hair squished out, and started lashing around frantically, the inside of the hair was white, the blackness of the hair was only an epidermis to this thing inside me. I realized now that it was not a hair, but something alive, and I started panicking. Inside was white, white and liquefied, oozing a little and very mailable without the black casing that it uses to keep itself a hold of. In a rage of fear, I quickly grabbed the razor and a precision unfounded in my dream life before, lopped off the squirming protrusion in the hope of killing it. Instead, it lives on, and sucks itself back into my skin. I can feel it now, in both of my cheek bones, and going into my head to places where I do not have senses to feel foreign objects. Like before, I pushed at the skin, trying to repeatedly pop that zit, my eyes winced and out the opposite side of my face, the other end of this thing exited and trashed at my attempts to remove it. With speed of anxiety and fear, I grabbed the end that just came out of my face and yanked hard. Pulling as if I was pulling from a foreign object, not my body, no care for any harm that would come from the thing I'm yanking from, no care for any harm that would come to me. It had to come out, it did come out, it came out of me.
-- I woke up --
After waking up from that dream, I was quite nauseous, and honestly, I still have difficulty writing about this dream right now. Why are they always so vivid, and so chaotic, and so... difficult to discern their meaning?
Feel free to walk away now, feel free to walk away now that you're scared.

Thursday, November 15, 2001

While I'm in the shout out phase... big ups to the girlie in New Zealand... Lala. Check out her website here. She just stumbled on here from iMood and found the site to be "interesting" and snagged up a convo with me on ICQ (and now MSN). Speakn' of which... feel free to e-mail me, msn me, or icq me. Just click on the contacts section of the website.

Alright, I got to thank the Epitaph for being the fuckn' coolest guy out there, Save muh bacon! Time to cancel my hosting account with OLM (pronto!) as they do have a 30 day money back guarantee! Thank you kindly, profusely, and the rest bro. I tip my hat to you, and remember, make that list of "friends can get that for you" things, so I can see what I can return in favour. hehe. Cheers bro.

Epitaph still sends me the funniest shit, where do you get it eppy? Must be that Karaaaayzy IRC on that mofo splittn' EfNet. I'm not sure how up to date any of you are on all the XP Billboard ads out there, but this one is a great knock off, props to the 'artists'. Gave me a good chuckle, especially considering I viewed it from a box running XP.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Damn it all! I had to change hosting companies, teach me for breaking an EULA. (aka, moving from my Rogers Broadband (No longer Rogers@Home) connection, to a new PAY per service one). So, things may be broken a little until I get them back in order. Also, things are kind of moving in real life, so things may be a little less frequent for updates. I have a few things working' behind the scenes, like Conversational Warfare (mad props to Alley for inspiring it with a sniper attack on Stuper), continuation of the story I was writing (Rob, my roommate may end up making a comic book out of it), a recent dream I had about a worm (its mildly disturbing as are the rest), and a few other things I feel like splurging' out onto the net.

Sunday, November 11, 2001

A little slow on the posts this weekend. Good thing, and a bad thing. Some cool things this weekend that I've heard of, the earth is passing through the Leonid Meteor belt on the 17th & 18th. What this means, is the night of the 17th, we'll have some kick ass meteor showers. If you want to find out how many streaks of light you can expect go here - the local meteor flux