PyroChemist : Chaos & Order

Simple brain dumps when I get around to it, or get a bothersome thought on my mind to write about.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Saturday, November 16, 2002

Most people in my real life know what's goin' down.

I'm moving to Vancouver.

If you're like most people, the first question is "Why are you moving there?". Not to be rude, or brash, I don't need a reason. :P I've had the question asked too many times. I'm young, have money saved up, and as most people know, I've been wanting to move to Vancouver for quite a while. I'm moving because "it's right".
Kevin, my ex-roommate, ex (because of moving) neighbour, current chaos-in-the-car cohort accellerated my plans with his drive across Canada to go back home for his reasons. I'll be trying my best to document my trip across the great piece of realestate we all love called Canada. Our trip, you could map from a map of the world. We live in such a large country, it just MUST be done, no US shortcut, simply, straight across Canada.

Camera in hand, laptop with dailup, a car, time, and anticipation.

We leave Sunday morning. When we get there doesn't matter, it's simply that we will. :D

ciao Ontario, allo BC....

Monday, August 12, 2002

Still work is required.
I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to do, but there is so much, it is simply overwhelming and i don't start anything.
One reason i tend not to write much on here any more, a defense mechanism, but that will not happen much any more. Only time will make that sentence stand true.
When A Beautiful Mind came out in the theaters, I was told by someone close to me that the way John Nash was depicted, had quite a few qualities of him in me. So very weird. I didn't get a chance to watch it until yesterday morning, but, I must agree. I do sit back and evaluate the situation, something like everyone ignoring the blonde and us all going home with the brunettes would come to mind.
I tend to think of all possible outcomes, it's sometimes sickening to the degree that I do.

Monday, August 05, 2002

I'm getting around to updating this website, stay tuned and please mind the changes going on. I'm expecting to toss up a forum or two, maybe a few other things as I get to them. I plan on removing myself from blogger and creating my own mySQL&PHP weblog with spellchecking if possible.

Friday, July 26, 2002


soon i'll revamp this place
soon i'll write some more online

i seem to annoy everyone i meet with the words
"everything in time"

Monday, May 13, 2002

Ok, so an update is way over due, and things I said I would try and do (like schedule a time to write), unfortunately, I did not. I'm now done with my previous employer, well, i've been done for a while now. I started working for a local Cable Internet company again, and the work hours are permitting me to get a few things back on schedule in my life, rather than having work determine what my life is. Excellent, back on track again. Maybe this will mean i'll have more time to write, more time to do things I need and want to do.

Friday, March 08, 2002

I've been terribly busy as of late. At work, which is the source of me being so busy, i've coined a new industry term. "Real-Time Due Dilligence". To explain this, you need to know what Due Dilligence is; it is some silly persons way of making "planning" sound cool and obscure enough that people who don't know what it is, won't realize you know it was never done too. So, work, has no "Due Dilligence", it has no planning in place at all; except those that are decided upon on an hourly basis. Our "Planning" is "realtime". Sometimes I wonder if I get paid enough for this. We pull magic rabbits out of our collective asses multiple times each day; i've been fired 3 times and hired back within the hour (the shortest "fired" duration being 14 minutes). I've only had spare time enough to get this out now. I'm going to try to have at least one writing a week, probably Saturday afternoon or Sunday afternoon. I'm going to set a more than likely obtainable target of once a week, and hopefully move up from there.